yeah. So hey friends, we are back with another interesting topic. And truly, if I ask you a really simple question that if I said this one word, Chhatrapati shivaji Maharaj what comes in your mind? You may probably say fight with afzal khan, fight with moguls or the vast Marita empire. The one key thing which all of us are missing is the great indian Navy. The great Murata Navy Shivaji Maharaj was also called as the father of indian Navy So today we are going to talk about how this small idea grew up into a vast military and how these local materials helped indian Navy to challenge british french Portuguese said this and even dutch naval ships. So let's get started. So the story begins when Chhatrapati was thinking that what should be done to challenge these Europeans because these Europeans were having huge number of guns used number of navy and the new fighting skills.
So he shared his problem with a buggy about you Cundieff. So how was he replied that maharaj why don't we build our own navy? Shut your body like the idea. But he said how nobody said anything. We have workers. We have raw materials but we don't have skills. So a budget contacted Rio Vegas in Portugal He he brought that real because to India and said we give you workers we give you money just make the ships here. Vegas was on work. He made some ships and later said that sorry bye bye. Because Portuguese were pressurizing Vegas biggest was gone but apology and Chhatrapati played a very important role here, chatterboxes secretly said to put those workers put the brilliant craftsman in the factory which will memorize faster. Who has long term memory and also who is intelligent. Now the technique was got So why to wait for long.
Let's start building our own ships. Raw materials material was already there and the ships were on rise. So After some few months, 6, 7 months 60 sips were made. A huge army of 60 ships was made. But these steps, they're not the cloned version of the Europeans with the new that the european ships are huge, bulky and heavy. So everybody said that our ships must be small, should be first and should be lightweight because we are not colonizers to travel long and colonized estate. We are liberating our ports. So our ships were small, fast and accurate. So the ships were buried. Now 60 ships were very, she was a marriage wanted to test those ships. So In the year 1665 8 for February ships were set on. The ships went to this rule 600 miles away from me. So the ships went to this rule captured it in one day.
And the main part of the story was they traveled through Goa which was the headquarters of Portuguese and this rule was the Port of Portuguese The impact of this event is seen today. There the state of Karnataka celebrate this festival of both rule to collaborate. Two enjoy the visit of Children body. So the fault wasn't was captured chatter but he believed his navy that this navy could now beat the Portuguese and european empires. So as Murata navy grew and its tactics skills and shipbuilding skills, Maharaj said that now it's time to control the ports and to control the blue economy. Vera's goa just gifted the city of Bombay and can they default to british. The british said that. Sorry I'm sorry that kinda default was not as a gift british said that secondary is also a gift I think. So it's ours.
Go outside Portuguese said no sorry my friend. Secondary is ours. Chhatrapati said the port the fold is of indians. The fold is of marriage house. He sent his Navy or there captured the fault of quandary which was a seaport fault. Sorry it was a C fold not port. So little british were britishers were angry because how these small ships can control a huge food. So british navy began to march towards can they default? But as you know that Morata navy was fast. The martini, we quickly came to Bombay britisher said, oh stop to Kendari. Stop let's stop our ship to country or will capture country and lose Bombay The british ships then return to Bombay and apathy boards again victorious in this battle. Later, Carnegie hungry, the loyalist of Ronnie Tara by what's on work and he was later promoted to the post of admiral, the highest post in Murata Navy.
So angry what he saw was this british were collecting taxes from indian ocean Angry said bro, it's indian ocean. It's of indians in front of britishers hungry attacked british british lost because of the huge bulky ships. And hungry then just took the control in his hand and setting up his taxes known as the stock up. Now every european power when be giving a license travel. But with taxes on Morata sea routes later hungry succeeded in succeeded in the dreams of Chhatrapati shivaji Maharaj and a budget to be a vast indian naval force and At that time 70% of blue oceanic economy was under the maraca rule by which Murata empire generator generated a large economic economic and industry. It in army by which This is also a reason by which the matter empire grew and just was a large empire in all of India.
This is also a reason. So I hope you like to this podcast and the fact over here is this ship, this empire, this small little ships which grew in huge oceanic empire ruled indian ocean 100 years for one century. So I hope you like my podcast. If you like more such podcast, please subscribe to our channel motivational guru.
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