Even if the face of devastating and brutal defeat, what made them so successful, we are all going to analyze in this podcast. But before that, before studying there future and the way they live, We Must Study Their History 1st. So the history begins in 18 50 three, probably 1852 - 53 vote. That was the time when Japan was closed from the world. Later american scheme to Japan, the forced emperor to do business with America. Americans did business in Japan. That is the short story, but during the story Japan came to know that in today's time it's not army a huge army that could make you probably a winner in the world, but it's the weapons who will make you winner So later Japan also started industrialization.
They give more emphasis to industry by which they created more rifles, more weapons. And as you can see in World War Two, Japan was only super power in Asia. No, not even soviet union, not even china, not even India. Japan was the superpower of World War Two in Asia. Probably so after which at the end of the war, Japan faced a nuclear defeat and they surrendered. That's the short story of job in World War Two. But americans signed various treaties with Japan and we need to know that that was the era when Cold War was just approaching So americans signed some treaties with Japan that Japan would have no army. Japan cannot possess, or, make big guns. There were many and devastating treaties signed between the americans and Japan's. But later Cold War began and Japan was the key factor of Asia and the main ally of America.
Because during korean war, America operated from Japan by which Japan generated a huge revenue in their pockets. And when Japanese army was disbanded, the Japanese army work in industries. Let me ask you a question then. Such a professional army who was the, who defeated Russia and china. If they worked in industries, the industry must rise. The industry must be on top. The famous example is Sunni in World War two. Sunni company used to make binoculars and other military equipment but later they shifted to camera. The industries who manufactured tanks shifted to automobiles by which Japan's export prices and Japan was trading with various countries which make jump on the creature. But the key factor by with Japan is rich because of china. Yes because at that time communist government of was on rise and they declared some special economic zones in china. Very businesses came and did some business jump on what a combination of some islands It was not a big country by which businesses they're facing problem in manufacturing setup and what we call it as manufacturing units.
They couldn't sit in Japan So they went to china said the unit unit saw their generated employment and exported. But everything is not in favor of Japan, everything is not in favor of Japan. The great desperation came from the great recession came which hit the job on drastically. People were roaming on rules for jobs and some people, the middle class people, they're begging Yes, this was the sad reality of the depression. Japan just came out of the depression and american and some european countries began to feel jealousy about Japan, that this small country is generating such a huge revenue that it may start over again. So many sanctions were put on Japan but later those sanctions were removed in America. Take took care of Japan that if you don't have an army we will we are army. You are under our protection by which Japanese government and Japanese people totally focused upon the development of their country and as a result to the Japan is among the first five economies in the world.
Yes, So this was the story of Japan. I hope you like my podcast
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